
Remember: One Game Does Not A Program Make

Look around yourself at the game today.

You'll see players who have cut their hair intoall sorts of odd patterns with a glazed, somewhatdemented look in their eyes.

You'll see clean-cut men and women in theirpreppy outfits who haven't been to The Stadium ina year, talking about its weird concrete seating.

You'll see octogenarians clad in the black woolvarsity sweaters, reminiscing about Harvard's near14-12 upset of Michigan in 1929.

They've all gathered for one reason: to save alittle face.


And you can bet, win or lose, that come nextSeptember, Restic (in his 23rd year at the helm)will give the same advice--to "watch out forYale."

How else can you survive a season?

Jay K. Varma is a Crimson staff writer. Hethinks he's written his last Harvard footballstory ever.
