
Send them PACKING!

As Clinton prepares to raid Cambridge to fill his cabinet, Harvard notables await the president-elect's phone call.

Alternate: SANJIV SINGH--PBH presidentwould bring a passion for public service andgovernment activism to HUD. Self-conciouslyselfless.

Secretary of Education

HENRY ROSOVSKY--Former Dean of theFaculty of Arts and Sciences would institute anational Core requirement to make every Americancitizen--not just Harvard students--well-roundedand well-versed in such vital issues as"Individual and Social Responsibility" and "Matterin the Universe."

Alternate: President NEIL L RUDENSTINE.What he did for Harvard he can do for the country.Liberal office hours for the concerned citizen.

Secretary of Energy


The HARVARD DIN AND TONICS--The sheerpower of this smiling, hand-clapping a capellagroup is without equal. A safe, snappy alternativeto nuclear energy. Great shiny tuxes.

Alternates (in order of appointment in case theDins cannot serve): THE PITCHES, VERITONES,DEAN EPPS, KROKODILOES, OPPORTUNES, CALLBACKS,NOTABLES.

Secretary of Defense

CHRIS PILLSBURY--The "adjuster" for theCrimson's football team, knows how to stop thedreaded Ivy rush. If he can do that, by God, hecan protect the country
