
Council Holds Re-Vote For Posts

Jewett Presides

"All of these options are under considerationright now," he said. "I am absolutely convincedthat there has been wrongdoing on Maya's part andI will bring up every evidence in my possessionsoon to the public."

But Prabhu said it was Poulios who had actedinappropriately, charging him with aggressive andthreatening behavior after the original voteWednesday.

"He was extremely hostile, verbally aggressiveand his physical demeanor was intimidating,"Prabhu said. "He was very loud and very abusiveand frankly he frightened everyone in the room."

Poulios dismissed the complaint. "Maya'sallegations and accusations are nowhere near thecore of the case, and where the wrongdoing hasbeen taking place," he said.

But Prabhu's account was corroborated byanother council member present at the meeting.


"You can never tell with a person when they'revery animated what they're likely to do, but I wasworried that something might happen," said thecouncil member, who spoke on condition ofanonymity. "His anger was kind of scary...Certainthings were said that implied that physical harmcould come to Maya."

McKay, Poulios' running mate for co-chair,agreed that Poulios' behavior was improper.

"I don't think Spyros conducted himself in theproper manner," McKay said. "I think he could havebeen a little more calm."

In addition, several members of the councillast night vigorously defended Prabhu.

"It's garbage," said newly elected TreasurerCarey W. Gabay '94. "It's complete nonsense toaccuse one of the most upstanding and reformmindedpersons on the council of fixing the election."

"Anyone who knows her would know that thecharges against her are bull," Gabay added."Furthermore, she had nothing to gain by thevictory of either candidate."

Council member Gordon M. Fauth '93, chair ofthe Dudley House committee, said some membersmight have changed their votes before last night'sre-vote.

"Voting has always been problematic [at thecouncil]," Fauth said. "Every time there's arecount called on anything at all, enough peoplechange their minds so that everything isdifferent. It's one of the things that's alwaysdisgusted me.
