
Councillor Defends His Record, Insists He's Innocent

Walsh Says He 'Blanked Out' After Indictment

The councillor cited 16 lawsuits against himand said he has already won three that were tried.

Walsh said he also faces strong opposition fromhis council colleagues and interest groups in thecity.

"I have had the wonderful opportunity of beingloved by a lot of Cambridge people and the sadnessof being hated by some of these groups, and Iunderstand that," Walsh said.

The influential Independent politico called theCambridge Civic Association (CCA) a "realpolitical machine" that has used his indictment tojustify the controversial firing of City ClerkJoseph P. Connarton. Connarton, who many said hadpolitical ties with Walsh, was a "sacrificiallamb" to the CCA, said Walsh.

Walsh said he has not yet decided whether toseek re-election to the council. But he said hedefinitely will not disappear from the Cambridgepolitical scene.


Despite any negative feelings the public orfellow councillors might harbor, Walsh says heplans to continue his stint on council and work athis law firm
