"I think it would be a real mistake to peg thisissue onto a national election," he said. "I thinkit would be ridiculous not to be aware of the factof what he said, but we need to see what peoplesay after they're elected."
.Negotiations between the University and theHarvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workersare progressing "slowly, quite honestly," butthere is "good will on both sides," the presidentsaid.
"Coming to closure is just proving to be avery, very long complicated process," he said.
.Harvard has raised half of the roughly $2million needed to establish a University-widecomputer network. Rudenstine said work is beingdone on the network as the money becomesavailable.
.The planning for an undergraduateconcentration on the environment is moving "muchmore swiftly than most plannings forconcentrations usually go," Rudenstine said.
If work goes according to schedule, first-yearstudents should be able to choose an environmentalstudies concentration this spring, he said.
Ira E. Stoll contributed to the reporting ofthis article.