"This particular episode should not be an issuein the campaign," said Prabhu. "It should not beused to judge his performance as vice chair."
But LaRock insisted that yesterday's theftsmacked of wrongdoing among the council's topranks.
"It seems to me that there has been some sortof collusion somewhere," he said. "It's verydisturbing."
"This whole issue speaks of what's wrong withthe council," LaRock said. "That's what's wrongwith the council: a lack of responsibility."
In addition to poor security, LaRock saidseveral mistakes were made on the election ballot.Dunster House candidate Andrew W. Shuman '93, whowas elected as a representative, appeared as"Adam Shaman" on the ballot.
Yard candidate Rachel A. Osten '96, whose namewas spelled "Rachel Ostev," has filed a formalcomplaint to Heinicke after no attempt was made tocorrect the mistake