Following the incident, Skillman filed agrievance with the Local 254 of the AFL-CIO,asking for an apology. In a five page statementdated May 27, 1990, Henaghan said Skillmanregularly badmouthed him and other supervisors.
"I don't feel for any reason what soever thatany supervisor should have to tolerate the verbalabuse and total disregard for authority by Mr.Skillman, and I for one will no longer accept thistype of behavior from any guard within thedepartment," Henaghan wrote.
In a ruling on the grievance dated October 15,1990, former University Attorney Edward W. Powerssaid he believed it was wrong for Henaghan "to saywhat he said to Mr. Skillman." Powers urged bothmen to "put the incident behind them."
A third confrontation involved Henaghan'sdealing with Kennedy School guard JacquelynnLeonard in 1990. In a grievance dated November 8,1990, Leonard said Henaghan "issued a sexistcommand" and referred to her as a "girl."According to the complaint, Henaghan told Leonardnot to answer a phone call in the security office."No, you can't answer that. You're a woman.They'll hang up on you," Henaghan allegedly said.
"As far as he's concerned, he thought he wasprobably joking," Leonard said last spring. "Butwomen and minorities know that is not joking."
Johnson told The Crimson in June that Leonard'scomplaint had some basis, but did not specifyfurther. Johnson did not return repeated telephonecalls yesterday.
Earlier this year, Henaghan clashed with aRussian guard, who has asked that his name not beused because he is a political refugee, during aScience Center inspection on February 17.
In a March 11 letter to Johnson, the Russianguard said Henaghan made jokes about his Englishon the night in question, even after he askedHenaghan to stop. "He said that I should meet himoutside and we could settle this problem," theguard wrote. "He repeated this several times,saying that he was not joking."
The guard also said Henaghan never made anissue of the incident until the guard wroteJohnson. The Russian guard was later suspended forthree days. He filed a union grievance, but lost.
Denying the guard's grievance on August 20,Associate Director of Labor Relations Carolyn R.Young said the "behavior of both [the guard] andHenaghan leaves much to be desired