
Students Elect New Council Oust 13 Veterans

Most Chair Candidates Win

"I transferred form Columbia over the summer, and I thought [joining the council] would be one of the best ways to expose myself to the issues whichHarvard is facing," said Lahav.

Lahav, who finished fourth in the Quincy race,credited his victory to his "underdog" status.

"I tried to emphasize to people that although Iwas new to the school, I was really enthusiasticand wanted to help out," said Lahav.

Without skipping a beat, the chair candidateswere already lobbying for votes among newlyelected council members last weekend.

In a move unprecedented in recent years,Aronberg yesterday endorsed Heinicke, who servedunder him last year as vice chair.

"In an age of pandering politicians and slickwillies, the U.C. is fortunate to have a candidatelike Malcolm," said Aronberg. "He stands firm inhis convictions and has the courage to address thespecific problems facing the council."


Council members will elect the chair at theirfirst meeting on Sunday. Chair candidates willface off in a debate sponsored by The Crimsonlater this week
