
Racquetmen Win Team Nationals

Crimson Avenges 1991 Loss With 3-2 Downing of Mexico

Number-one Fraiberg lost three tough matches to defending amateur champion Hector Barrigan.

It was the second year in a row that Fraiberg fell to Barrigan. Last year, Barrigan prevailed against Fraiberg in the longest squash game ever recorded (two-and-one-half hours).

Number-two Adrian Ezra also struggled against his opponent, Octavio Montero. After shutting down his Ivy competitors in the tournament, the sophomore dropped three straight against Mexico.

Nevertheless, Ezra's strong performance throughout the tournament was remarkable considering the circumstances.

Ezra had to adjust to both jet lag (he just flew in from India) and to a different style of squash (he just finished capturing the men's Indian national trophy in "softball" squash.)


The Future?

Harvard's victory in Chicago should bode well for the squad. Already stacked with the top talent in the nation, Harvard has its first big match on February 2, when it takes on the Princeton Tigers at home.
