

Toward a Better Fling

These efforts might not make the perfect weekend, but they would be a substantial improvement.

BUT the Council alone cannot make events like this a success. We should give the UC a chance by really participating in the weekend. The Council may not be perfect, but it's the only show in town. If students want more College-wide events--as many say they do--they should start attending those already offered.

This is, of course, just one weekend. But if most Harvard students won't even attend one weekend, why should the Council offer more? the size of the campus, diversity of the student body and nature of the house system means that social life here is very divided. With that in mind, wouldn't it be nice to come together at the end of the year and let loose for a while as one student body?

The UC shouldn't give up on the idea of a Spring Fling just because this year's didn't work out. If the social committee starts planning, we'll practice jello wrestling, watch Animal House and hone our gladiatorial skills.

And we'll get our togas ready for next year.


Let's get our gladiator shoes and our Jello wrestling suits ready for next year:
