
Terriers Blank Stickwomen, 3-0

8th-Ranked B.U. Ends Harvard's First Bid for NCAA Title in 1st Round

Adjustment to Turf

Harvard finished the game strongly, confidently controlling the ball and executing crisp passes, just as the Terriers had done from the outset. It took the Crimson some time to adjust to Nickerson Field's artificial turf, but Harvard refused to use the field as an excuse.

"The turf is an entirely different game, but we were outplayed," Gaffney said. "It may have put us at a disadvantage, but it's not an excuse."

"Good teams at the Division I level win on both surfaces, and B.U. was the better team today," Caples said. "But, we had an outstanding season with a solid veteran team and we obviously had many significant wins."

Terriers Face Penn State


Although it was disappointed with the outcome, Harvard players' comments suggested that the Crimson was putting the loss in perspective.

"We gave it our best effort, so we're not walking away with our heads down," senior Becky Gaffney said. "There have been a lot of accomplishments this season and we'll have good memories about this game even though we lost."

B.U. will face Penn State on Sunday in the NCAA quarterfinals.

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