Allain Roy, appearing in the net on successivenights, was perhaps the one bright spot on theCrimson's defense over the weekend. The juniornetminder, who entered the weekend with aleague-leading 2.80 goals against average, keptboth games close with 35 and 25 saves despitenumerous scoring opportunities.
With 9:49 left in the final period against theGolden Knights, Donato drove down the right nearside and beat freshman netminder Jason Currie tocut the Clarkson lead to 6-4. After Clarksondefender Martin d'Orsonnens was sent to the boxfor roughing with 2:21 left, Vukonich took aDonato pass and fired a shot from the left pointto again bring the Crimson within one.
Saints, 5-4 in Canton, N.Y.
HARVARD 2-1-1--4St. Lawrence 2-0-3--5
First Period: 1, S, Martin Lacroix (AndyPritchard, Mike Lappin) 5:53; 2, H, PeterCiavaglia (Ted Donato, John Weisbrod) 14:56; 3, S,M. Lappin (Lacroix, Pritchard) 15:57; 4, H, Donato(Weisbrod, Ciavaglia) 19:25. Penalties--S,Pritchard (slashing) 1:13; H, Weisbrod (highsticking) 1:13; S, Daniel LaPerriere (holding)3:14; H, Donato (hooking) 4:27; H, Sean McCann(interference) 4:47; S, Lee Albert (hitting frombehind) 7:31; H, Tim Burke (late hit) 11:00; H,Steve Flomenhoft (late hit) 11:00; S, LaPerriere(late hit) 11:00; S, Chris Lappin (late hit)11:00; S, Pritchard (slashing) 11:57; S, Kuntar(10' misconduct) 14:56; H, Jim Coady (tripping)15:09; H, Scott Barringer (roughing) 18:19; H,Flomenhoft (roughing) 18:19; S, Teddy Dent(roughing) 18:19; S, Ted Beattie (roughing) 18:19;S, M. Lappin (holding) 19:25.
Second Period: 5, H, Mike Vukonich(Weisbrod) 11:41. Penalties--H, Kevin Sneddon(interference) 7:18; H, Bench (too many men)10:11; H, Coady (holding) 13:44; S, LaPerriere(tripping) 14:24.
Third Period: 6, S, Spencer Meany (JimGiacin, Dent) 4:10; 7, S, Pritchard (M. Lappin,Chris Wells) 4:43; 8, H, Ciavaglia (Weisbrod,Vukonich) 8:45; 9, S, Pritchard (LaPerriere, M.Lappin) 9:27. Penalties--S, John Roderick(interference) 7:24; H, Flomenhoft (late hit)9:08; H, McCann (roughing) 9:08; S, Gerard Verbeek(roughing) 9:08; S, Roderick (slashing) 14:47.
Saves: H--Allain Roy 12-11-12--35;S--Les Kuntar 10-9-11--30; S--Paul Spagnoletti(10:51) 2-2-0--4.
Power Play: Harvard 3-7; New Hampshire3-7.
Attendence: 3400
Knights, 7-5 in Potsdam, N.Y.
HARVARD 1-2-2--5Clarkson 3-3-1--7
First Period: 1, c, Dave Tretowicz (HugoBelanger, Jeff Torrey) 9:42; 2, H, Peter Ciavaglia(John Weisbrod, Mike Vukonich) 12:22; 3, C, MikkoTavi (Dave Trombley, Mike Kozak) 13:26; 4, C,Trombley (Torrey, Guy Sanderson). Penalties--H,Vukonich (hooking) 4:09; C, Scott Thomas (holding)4:09; H, Weisbrod (roughing) 7:46; C, SteveDubinsky (roughing) 7:46; H, McCann (interference)8:56; C, Shawn Fotheringham (roughing) 11:50; H,Mallgrave (roughing) 13:37; C, Patrick Theriault(roughing) 13:37; H, Jim Coady (holding) 14:25.
Second Period: 5, C, Belanger (Kozak)3:23; 6, C, Craig Conroy (Sylvain Lapointe, MikeCasselman) 5:05; 7, H, Michel Briestroff(unassisted); 8, Ted Donato (Rich DeFrietas, TedDrury); 9, C, Thomas (Dubinsky). Penalties--H, TimBurke (high-sticking) 3:43; C, David Green(roughing) 3:43; C, Trombley (roughing) 11:38; H,Burke (slashing) 14:05.
Third Period: 10, H, Donato (Vukonich,Ciavaglia) 10:11; 11, H, Vukonich (Donato, SeanMcCann) 17:39; 12, C, Hugo Belanger (unassisted),19:41. Penalties--H, DeFrietas (holding) 3:59; C,Green (unsportsmanlike conduct) 5:54; H, DeFrietas(holding) 13:09; C, Martin d'Orsonnens (roughing)17:05; H, Donato (delay of game) 19:48; C, Thomas(delay of game) 19:48.
Saves: H--Allain Roy 25; C--Jason Currie22.
Power Play: Harvard 2-5; Clarkson 3-6.
Attendance: 160