
SLU, Knights Sweep Icemen Into Second

Superline's Scoring Isn't Quite Enough

Allain Roy, appearing in the net on successivenights, was perhaps the one bright spot on theCrimson's defense over the weekend. The juniornetminder, who entered the weekend with aleague-leading 2.80 goals against average, keptboth games close with 35 and 25 saves despitenumerous scoring opportunities.

With 9:49 left in the final period against theGolden Knights, Donato drove down the right nearside and beat freshman netminder Jason Currie tocut the Clarkson lead to 6-4. After Clarksondefender Martin d'Orsonnens was sent to the boxfor roughing with 2:21 left, Vukonich took aDonato pass and fired a shot from the left pointto again bring the Crimson within one.

Saints, 5-4 in Canton, N.Y.

HARVARD  2-1-1--4St. Lawrence  2-0-3--5


First Period: 1, S, Martin Lacroix (AndyPritchard, Mike Lappin) 5:53; 2, H, PeterCiavaglia (Ted Donato, John Weisbrod) 14:56; 3, S,M. Lappin (Lacroix, Pritchard) 15:57; 4, H, Donato(Weisbrod, Ciavaglia) 19:25. Penalties--S,Pritchard (slashing) 1:13; H, Weisbrod (highsticking) 1:13; S, Daniel LaPerriere (holding)3:14; H, Donato (hooking) 4:27; H, Sean McCann(interference) 4:47; S, Lee Albert (hitting frombehind) 7:31; H, Tim Burke (late hit) 11:00; H,Steve Flomenhoft (late hit) 11:00; S, LaPerriere(late hit) 11:00; S, Chris Lappin (late hit)11:00; S, Pritchard (slashing) 11:57; S, Kuntar(10' misconduct) 14:56; H, Jim Coady (tripping)15:09; H, Scott Barringer (roughing) 18:19; H,Flomenhoft (roughing) 18:19; S, Teddy Dent(roughing) 18:19; S, Ted Beattie (roughing) 18:19;S, M. Lappin (holding) 19:25.

Second Period: 5, H, Mike Vukonich(Weisbrod) 11:41. Penalties--H, Kevin Sneddon(interference) 7:18; H, Bench (too many men)10:11; H, Coady (holding) 13:44; S, LaPerriere(tripping) 14:24.

Third Period: 6, S, Spencer Meany (JimGiacin, Dent) 4:10; 7, S, Pritchard (M. Lappin,Chris Wells) 4:43; 8, H, Ciavaglia (Weisbrod,Vukonich) 8:45; 9, S, Pritchard (LaPerriere, M.Lappin) 9:27. Penalties--S, John Roderick(interference) 7:24; H, Flomenhoft (late hit)9:08; H, McCann (roughing) 9:08; S, Gerard Verbeek(roughing) 9:08; S, Roderick (slashing) 14:47.

Saves: H--Allain Roy 12-11-12--35;S--Les Kuntar 10-9-11--30; S--Paul Spagnoletti(10:51) 2-2-0--4.

Power Play: Harvard 3-7; New Hampshire3-7.

Attendence: 3400

Knights, 7-5 in Potsdam, N.Y.

HARVARD  1-2-2--5Clarkson  3-3-1--7

First Period: 1, c, Dave Tretowicz (HugoBelanger, Jeff Torrey) 9:42; 2, H, Peter Ciavaglia(John Weisbrod, Mike Vukonich) 12:22; 3, C, MikkoTavi (Dave Trombley, Mike Kozak) 13:26; 4, C,Trombley (Torrey, Guy Sanderson). Penalties--H,Vukonich (hooking) 4:09; C, Scott Thomas (holding)4:09; H, Weisbrod (roughing) 7:46; C, SteveDubinsky (roughing) 7:46; H, McCann (interference)8:56; C, Shawn Fotheringham (roughing) 11:50; H,Mallgrave (roughing) 13:37; C, Patrick Theriault(roughing) 13:37; H, Jim Coady (holding) 14:25.

Second Period: 5, C, Belanger (Kozak)3:23; 6, C, Craig Conroy (Sylvain Lapointe, MikeCasselman) 5:05; 7, H, Michel Briestroff(unassisted); 8, Ted Donato (Rich DeFrietas, TedDrury); 9, C, Thomas (Dubinsky). Penalties--H, TimBurke (high-sticking) 3:43; C, David Green(roughing) 3:43; C, Trombley (roughing) 11:38; H,Burke (slashing) 14:05.

Third Period: 10, H, Donato (Vukonich,Ciavaglia) 10:11; 11, H, Vukonich (Donato, SeanMcCann) 17:39; 12, C, Hugo Belanger (unassisted),19:41. Penalties--H, DeFrietas (holding) 3:59; C,Green (unsportsmanlike conduct) 5:54; H, DeFrietas(holding) 13:09; C, Martin d'Orsonnens (roughing)17:05; H, Donato (delay of game) 19:48; C, Thomas(delay of game) 19:48.

Saves: H--Allain Roy 25; C--Jason Currie22.

Power Play: Harvard 2-5; Clarkson 3-6.

Attendance: 160
