"Oooh, baby, baby. It's a wild world." But it's a world that provides wildly inadequate health care for its babies.
HOW can a country that values its children so much allow so many to die so young?
How can we, as a society on a health kick, continue to kick so many women out of prenatal care?
How can a society so believing in ideals allow the reality of infant mortality to progress as far as it has?
How can I ever finish writing this sentence?
What do you think about infant mortality and prenatal care? If you haven't thought about it, you will after reading the following thesis.
This thesis is about infant mortality. You will read it. And you will like it. You are getting sleepy.
You may not like reading this thesis. Its topic will shock and
You lived to your first birthday, but thousands of American children
Men may not be able to give birth, but writing the first sentence of the following thesis on prenatal care gives me some idea of the pain involved.
Joshua M. Sharfstein '91 had a thesis chapter due two days ago.