
Radcliffe Alums Lobby for Change

Ad Hoc Committee Pushes for Increased Women Hiring

In particular, committee members expressedfrustration with the slow pace of the University'splans for change, saying that the current hiringagenda is not ambitious enough.

"Harvard's current affirmative actiongoals...say that over the next 10 years they'llincrease the number of tenured women faculty by 56percent," said Schmertzler. "Indeed, a wonderfulsounding goal, but if you attach that to thecurrent 7.5 percent women faculty, it means anincrease of about 4 percent."

Schmertzler also criticized President Derek C.Bok for what she termed a lack of attention towomen's issues in his annual report to the Boardof Overseers.

"He described the social issues as poverty,public education, and the environment, but hedidn't mention women," said Schmertzler.

"I personally have become tired of hearing--asI did at the 350th anniversary--Radcliffe referredto as 'little sister' and not much acknowledgmentof the impressive Radcliffe institutes likeBunting, Murray, and Schlesinger," saysSchmertzler. "I think it's belittling."


Members also said they would like to seeRadcliffe become more supportive of the women'scommunity at Harvard by strengthening its tieswith students.

"In the sense that there is a Radcliffe, wethink that it seems very remote," says Welch. "Inour day, we had the cohesiveness of a separateidentity. We were Radcliffe students and we hadthat support, and I don't think the young womentoday have that identity and nurturing."

Schmertzler said she and the others frequentlydid not question gender discrimination when theywere students at Radcliffe, but now they areanxious to address the issue.

"It's only been over the last 15 years thatI've become aware of the effect of being in aworld that doesn't recognize women's valuesreadily," she said.

"I think over time we've watched Radcliffe andare a little tired of the idea that sugar worksbetter than vinegar," said Schmertzler. "Therehasn't been enough change over these years. Ithink Radcliffe is being too ladylike."

"I don't think it's unladylike to identifyproblems," she added
