Most of the people who went to see Extremities by William Mastrosimone knew it was about an attempted rape. But they did not know they would come out of the play, scheduled as part of this week's Take Back the Night activities, feeling some sympathy for the potential rapist, and a great deal of confusion about their reaction to the work.
Rape involves complex issues--women's rights, societal acceptance of violence, the efficacy of the judicial system. Because Mastrisimone's widely lauded script admittedly raises these issues in a disturbing manner, director Molly E. Bishop '91 arranged an open discussion led by a rape counselor from the University Health Services (UHS).
"In the discussion we were hoping to offer information to back up the issues raised in the play," Bishop said.
"If you've been through it yourself you need to know there's someone to talk to here," she said. She also said she hoped the discussion would promote a greater awareness of the problems of rape and assault at Harvard.
The discussion opened with Nadja B. Gould, a clinical social worker and research associate at UHS, talking about themes in the play. She then tried to solicit response from the audience members.
Some of the audience members said they felt ambivalent about the questions of blame and retribution raised in the work.
Extremities opens with the female protagonist, Marjorie, waking in the morning, putting water on for coffee, and lighting a cigarette. A man walks in univited and, after a feeble attempt at sweet-talking her into sex, assaults her. He attempts then to rape her, but Marjorie overpowers him.
After tying him up, Marjorie, cynical about the justice system, begins to mete out what she sees as justice: torture. Marjorie's roomates come home to find her attacker in the fireplace, bound and blindfolded. Debates ensue between them about the fair punishment of the potential rapist and Marjorie's role in the assault. At one point one of her roommates even insinuates Marjorie's clothing--or lack thereof--is calculated to provoke.
The play's resolution is ambiguous. Raul, the would-be rapist, blind and defeated, confesses his intentions to rape Margery, and her roommates. He admits to having raped and killed women in the past.
"I really can't say this play will help anyone except to understand how desperate a situation like that is," said Jacobina H. Martin '92, the actress who played Marjorie.
"I think any play that tried to answer the questions would be trite," Martin said.
Of all the unresolved issues brought up in the work, the one most enmeshed in confusion and conflict was Marjorie's exactment of retribution.
Many rapists go free, Gould said, because courts often find "provocative" dress or actions mean that a woman is asking for sex. Rape, therefore, is viewed as a justified male reaction to sexual enticement.
"What could they have done? She calls the cops, but will that do any good?" asked one sophomore woman in the audience after the play.
"It's definitely a play of frustration," another undergraduate said.
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