
Students Run Fro-Yo Business

"We are going to try to get t-shirts with allof the flavors on the back," says Black. "Ifyou've tried all the flavors you can get a shirt."

Eighty-three frothy servings of Tasti D-Litesounds like a lot. But for some customers, TastiD-Lite is more than an occasional treat; it is away of life.

"My roommate used to go like four times a day,"says one anonymous consumer. "I used to go everyday. I'm trying to cut down."

However, at 10 calories an ounce, even anincautious eater can indulge fairly safely. Elevenservings of Tasti D-Lite just equal the caloriccontent of a peanut butter sandwich.

And so they come, undaunted even by snow andsleet. In the winter, at least 50 percent of thebusiness is regular customers, says Friberg.


The door swings open. "Just a small, please,"says a woman in a green coat, holding a floweredbag.

"Five ounces," says her husband. "Fiftycalories." He gazes up at the wall, where neatlyclipped pictures of mangos, macaroons, and pralinepie frame the flavor list.

"Those are the choices?" he asks, with wonder."All of those up there?"

"Yes," says Friberg, beaming. "And we haveraspberry flavors too."

It is a Hallmark moment...but so tastefullydone
