
Tutu Proposes New Plan For Harvard Divestment

Says Americans Shouldn't Ease Sanctions Against South Africa

Citing favorable developments in his country this weekend, South African Archbishop Desmond M. Tutu yesterday proposed a new divestment plan for Harvard, reopening the door on an issue most administrators here had said was permanently shut.

Tutu, who was elected to Harvard's Board of Overseers on a prodivestment slate last year, said that he raised the South African issue at the Board's regular meeting in Cambridge yesterday, and that the Board would likely discuss divestment at its next meeting.

Tutu said he sensed the Board was committed to the South African investment issue, given the wide-spread enthusiasm over recent decisions to legalize anti-apartheid groups in that country.

"I think that we are seeing a momentum in that particular situation," Tutu said in a press conference at the Charles Hotel. "And my reading is that there is a far greater willingness on the part of those on the Board to consider getting...tougher than they have been. And they are saying we ought to put it on the agenda."

Overseers President John C. White-head, who only months ago said that divestment was a "closed matter," confirmed last night that the Board would take up the matter in two months if Tutu asked.


"If [Tutu] would like discussion, I am sure there will be discussion," he said. "And maybe by that time, there will be changes that cause Harvard's policy to change...The general idea was to watch and wait."

Whitehead said the Overseers Executive Committee has final say over the agenda, but added that "nobody is going to duck discussion of the subject."

But Whitehead was still skeptical about the impact Harvard's decision could have.

"I don't suppose [South African President F. W.] De Klerk is waiting to hear a message from Harvard on the subject," Whitehead said.

Yesterday's statements were the first hint in more than a year that the30-member Board of Overseers--which generallyapproves the policies of Harvard's chief governingboard, the Corporation--would consider changingHarvard's stance on the $139 million it hasinvested in South Africa-related companies.

Until this weekend, Harvard's topofficials--including President Derek C. Bok--hadsaid the divestment question was settled.

But Tutu said that after he spoke on SouthAfrica for about 10 minutes at yesterday'smeeting, the Board showed new enthusiasm forefforts to urge the end of apartheid.

Tutu's announcement reflected more than mereoptimism about Harvard's mindset--it alsoreflected optimism about the changing situation inSouth Africa.

Tutu was cautious, doling out strong criticsmfor the white government's racist policies. Inbetween the criticisms, however, he sprinkled somerace praise for South African President F.W. DeKlerk.

Last week, De Klerk announced that NelsonMandela, the leader of the African NationalCongress (ANC), would be released from his 27-yearimprisonment. In addition, he said that the ANCand 31 other Black political groups would belegalized. And he promised the legalization of 374apartheid dissidents, as well as a halt toexecutions.
