
Racquetmen Ruin the President's Day; Tigers Succumb, As Cristiani Looks On

"In the beginning, he had the eye of the tiger.He was playing out of his mind," Horwitz said."But you know, I want to be known as a moneyplayer--the team needed me, and now they know theycan bet on me, anytime."

At number two and three seeds, Mark Baker andJon Bernheimer were the only Crimson players towin in three games. Sophomore Jonny Kaye won infour, though he said it was "not one of my bettergames."

Jim Masland sucked up the only loss of the day.After the Co-Captain eked out a win against AlexMarx in the first game, he transformed into thetin man, hitting the metal below the red lineleft, right and center. Brother Jon Maslandremained golden, however, and pocketed a four-gamewin at the number-eight seed.

All the games played, the Cristiani Commotionover, Harvard emerged victorious.

"I thought it'd be a little closer," PrincetonCoach Bob Callaghan said. "We were a littleoutgunned at every position. Your team is muchstronger."


Returning to the political side of squash,Callaghan said, "I felt badly for the Presidentand his son. I give Marty a lot of credit forwinning under those conditions. It made the matchpretty crazy and chaotic, but then again, allPrinceton-Harvard matches are pretty crazy andchaotic."

Perhaps Harvard squash legend Jack Barnabysummed up the match best:

"We didn't know we were playing El Salvador aswell as Princeton today," the 43-year veteran ofthe Harvard coaching ranks said.

Crimson, 8-1 at Hemenway Gym

1. Jeremy Fraiberg (HARVARD) d. Chris Stevens(Princeton), 8-15, 16-14, 15-7, 15-9; 2. MarkBaker (HARVARD) d. Bob White (Princeton), 15-11,15-11, 15-8; 3. Jon Bernheimer (HARVARD) d. NickGuethe (Princeton, 18-15, 15-7, 15-12; 4. JonnyKaye (HARVARD) d. Derek Einkle (Princeton), 15-11,10-15, 15-6, 15-11; 5. Alex Marx (Princeton) d.Jim Masland (HARVARD), 14-16, 16-13, 15-7, 15-11;6. Farokh Pandole (HARVARD) d. Ron Rubin(Princeton), 16-17, 10-15, 15-12, 15-5, 15-9; 7.Marty Clark (HARVARD) d. Alex Christiani(Princeton), 10-15, 15-6, 15-9, 15-8; 8. JonMasland (HARVARD) d. Craig Medvecky (Princeton),15-8, 7-15, 15-7, 15-11; 9. Josh Horwitz (HARVARD)d. Martin Schneider (Princeton), 13-15, 10-15,15-14, 17-16, 16-14
