
Iraq Builds Up Troops Near Kuwaiti Border

Until the Iraqi government made clear how suchreleases take place, the message cautioned, "Staywhere you are, stay in touch with the U.S. Embassyand monitor the VOA closely. We will let you knowas soon as we have more information."

Out of an estimated 3 million foreigners in thetwo countries before the invasion, about 2 millionare still left most of them Asians and Arabs whohad the option of leaving.

Bush, speaking with reporters along on his tripto Chile, dismissed a U.N. proposal circulatingThursday for a Middle East peace conference,renewing his rejection of Saddam's attempt to linkresolution of the crisis with the Arab-Israeliconflict.

U.N. Security Council ambassadors discussed adraft resolution that approves a world conferenceon the Palestinian problem.

The timing of the resolution promised tocomplicate U.S.-Israeli relations with IsraeliPrime Minister Yitzhak Shamir arriving in theUnited States yesterday. He was to meet Bush onTuesday.


Shamir said in London, "Israel will not agreeto any foreign body deciding its future and fate."

The draft resolution has already been approvedin principle by the permanent five SecurityCouncil members--the United States, Soviet Union,Britain, France and China.

It marks the first time that the United Stateshas let the council consider language consideringan initiative for a peace conference
