
Harvard to Evaluate Its Library Complex

Study May Result in Overhaul of Lamont

"The purpose of the process is not for the library to redesign itself. It needs to be done in conjunction with the university. It needs to take account of the University's plans," he said.

David L. Duncan '93, Undergraduate Council secretary, said he was pleased to see De Gennaro attempting to involve students in the reevaluation.

"De Gennaro seems interested in finding out what students' needs for the library are," Duncan said.

And Yianos T. Kontopoulos '92, a member of CUE and the council, said he was particularly glad that the library officials were considering extending Lamont's hours. The council has repeatedly asked that Harvard keep Lamont open all night, especially duringexam periods.

Other CUE Matters


In other business, the CUE decided to recommendthe abolition of April honors exams. Membersreviewed statements from the head tutors of 15departments, nearly all of whom criticized thetests as serving no useful academic purpose andcreating excessive paperwork.

The commitee also decided to continue studyingthe administration of make-up tests for studentswho are ill during final examinations. Georgine B.Hershbach, registrar of the Faculty of Arts andSciences, said that the current system may leavetoo much room for dishonesty.

"Faculty members have called me and been deeplyhurt...after seeing a student who's sicked out,romping in the Yard," she said.

CUE members said they were consideringrecommending that professors administer exams inUniversity Health Services (UHS) to students whohave missed their tests because of illness.Students must now wait several months beforetaking make-up exams
