
Thomas Lauderdale: High Energy Plus Fashion Sense

`He's the eternal cheerleader of Adams House'

"Part of it is his reputation...there's a big element of playfulness about it," says roomate Chuang. In place of alcohol, Lauderdale often provides strawberries and whipped cream, animal crackers, fresh squeezed orange juice and even smoked salmon. His "chocoholiday" parties have featured at least $100 worth of chocolate. However, "Cool Whip is basically at every party," Chuang says.

In addition to Lauderdale's own parties, he organizes many social events in his capacity on the the house committee.

The committee also sponsors "Cafe Mardi" every Tuesday night at 10 p.m. It features live jazz in a coffeehouse atmosphere.

And for spring break, Lauderdale says, "we're all going to go to Charleston, South Carolina." Lauderdale says they chose the location because it was "a low-budget, cost-free hideaway vacation wonderland."

The Destiny


When asked where he will be in 10 years, Lauderdale rattles off an ambitious list of goals.

"I want to be a concert pianist. I want to be mayor of Portland, Oregon. I want to be head of the Portland Art Museum. A fashion designer. President. Quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, my favorite team."

At another point in the interview, Selvaratnam, Lauderdale's self-professed fiancee, makes her own prediction.

"Tom is going to be president one day, and I'll be first lady," she says.

And Lauderdale gently corrects her: "No, I'll be first lady and you'll be president."

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