
Everybody Scores Tonight

All Four Lines Tally as Icemen Blast Brown, 11-2

Ciavaglia was awesome on the evening, adding an assist to his three-goal outburst. After offsetting penal-

Crimson, 11-2 at Bright Hockey Center Brown  1-1-0--2 HARVARD  2-3-6--11

First Period: 1, H, Ted Donato (unassisted) 0:36; 2, H, Steve Flomenhoft (Tim Burke, Scott Barringer) 10:09; 3, B, Derek Chauvette (Scott Hanley) 19:06. Penalties--B, Eric Bommer (high-sticking) 3:27; B, Hanley (slashing) 11:22; H, Mike Vukonich (interference) 15:34; H, Brian McCormack (high-sticking) 17:57.

Second Period: 4, H, Peter Ciavaglia (Donato, Derek Maguire) 13:30; 5, H, Vukonich (McCormack) 16:02; 6, H, Ciavaglia (John Weisbrod, Sean McCann) 16:20; 7, B, Hanley (Chauvette, Mike Ross) 19:30. Penalties--B, Joe Vanderber (hooking) 0:49; H, Vukonich (tripping) 2:00; H, Weisbrod (cross-checking) 7:18; B, Ross (tripping) 12:01; B, Darrin MacKay (hooking) 12:40; B, Ross (roughing) 15:11; H, Burke (roughing) 15:11.

Third Period: 8, H, Ciavaglia (unassisted) 1:30; 9, H, Ted Drury (Matt Mallgrave) 2:34; 10, H, Chris Baird (Ciavaglia, Weisbrod) 5:08; 11, H, Mallgrave (Drury, Sean Farrell) 9:55; 12, H, Barringer (unassisted) 11:03; 13, Burke (Barringer) 15:33. Penalties--B, Joey Beck (major cross-checking) 5:49; B, Ross (tripping) 7:04; B, Brad Kreick (slashing) 10:24; B, Kelly Jones (high-sticking; roughing) 13:04; B, Sascha Pogor (high-sticking, roughing) 13:04; H, Michel Breistroff (high-sticking, roughing) 13:04; H, Jim Coady (high-sticking, roughing) 13:04; H, Baird (hooking) 16:18; H, McCann (elbowing) 16:52.


Saves: B, Brett Haywood 15-13-10--38; B, Jeff Finch x-x-2--2; H, Allain Roy 3-8-8--19.

Power Play: B, 1-7; H, 5-8. ties resulted in a four-on-four situation latein the period, Ciavaglia and senior forward MikeVukonich each netted goals to give the Crimson a5-1 advantage.

Brown forward Scott Hanley shoved a reboundpast Roy in the final minute of the frame, whichproved to be the end of any bright spot in theBruins' abysmal effort.

Down by a three-goal deficit at the opening ofthe final frame, the Bruin defense opened up in amake-or-break effort to even the score. And allhell broke loose.

The third--or gold--line roommate duo ofsophomore forwards Ted Drury and Matt Mallgravefed each other for a pair of goals. The blue-lineduo of Burke and senior Scott Barringer followedsuit with two more. And black-liner freshman ChrisBaird scored his first collegiate goal as theCrimson lead piled up

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