Karno says that although he knows men are welcome at the center, he does not think they are sought. He adds that in the future he would like the center to offer a symposium which specifically targets men as an audience.
Seeking the help that Harvard can't provide, Radcliffe students can find sanctuary at the Cambridge Women's Center. Located in Central Square, the Center has provided services for women for almost 20 years. Funded through foundations and private donations, the beautifully restored turn-of-the-century house holds multiple meeting areas. Resources in the 14-room center include a children's playroom, library, kitchen and counseling room. Center volunteers operate a referral network, a newsletter and a choral group. No men are allowed in the Center.
Ironically, the conception of the Cambridge Women's Center was the result of a run-in with Harvard University. In 1972, after the International Women's Day March, a sit-in-protesting ungenerous and property-rich Harvard-was held by Cambridge feminists for two days at 888 Memorial Drive, a Harvard storage facility. The demonstration sparked negotiations with Harvard and MIT might act to more clearly articulate andpublicize the University's current policy, whichshe describes as "strong" in its written form.
"The perception of justice is important as wellas the administration of justice," Weitzman said.
The College's official policy holds that "therights of an individual to be secure from unwantedphysical or sexual attention must be protected."
In a case of date rape, the policy states,"there would be a strong likelihood that theaggressor would be asked to leave the University."
Weitzman said she also hoped to see moreextensive rape awareness and education programsinstituted both for first-year and upperclassstudents.
Ann E. Blais '91, RUS co-president, said shewelcomed Jewett's response to the RUS letter as"serious and thoughtful, and very quick.