
D.C. Mayor Is Arrested on Drug Charge

City Police, FBI Agents Nab Barry in Washington Hotel Sting

Top city officials were meeting late last night to assess the arrest. City Council Chair David Clarke, who is running for mayor, called the arrest "a tragic moment in our city's history." Councillor Charlene Jarvis, another mayoral candidate, said the arrest "changes the political landscape of the city."

Although rumors about Barry and drugs had surfaced throughout the last half of his tenure as mayor, no charges had been brought before yesterday.

The accusations became even more widespread after the arrest of Lewis.

Barry was visiting Lewis' hotel room in December 1988 when city police were sent to investigate a report that Lewis was selling drugs. When the officers found out Barry was present, they abandoned their mission in an episode not yet fully explained.

Lewis pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to distribute cocaine in Washington and was scheduled to be sentenced on that charge today. Lewis also has been convicted of selling drugs in the Virgin Islands.


In November, WUSA-TV said a local physician had reported to police that Barry had been treated for a drug overdose in 1983. The then-police chief later reported that investigators were unable to confirm that report.

Karen Johnson, a former city worker with whom Barry eventually admitted a romance, was convicted on various drug charges in 1984. She served several months in prison for refusing to testify about Barry.
