
Change Is a Certainty in a Wide Open Race

City Council Elections

"The least said is the best off," he says. "If you know the way the vote is going to come out, why bother talking?"

Sullivan says his secret is simple--he pays close attention to his constituents.

"I wouldn't be the top vote getter if the people didn't know me," Sullivan says. "I'm out there every day meeting people. Every day is a campaign day for me."

Perhaps the strangest entry in the 1989 council race will not even be on the ballot. Known as "Egg," the would-be candidate says he will wage a semi-humorous campaign aimed at disrupting the city's regular political process.

The former publisher of a Cambridge underground magazine, Egg was disqualified from the ballot because he did not collect enough legitimate petition signatures.


But Egg says he is not giving up hope. "It's going to be theater," he says of his campaign. "And its going to be powerful."
