
Class Gift May Break Records

But Endowment for Divestiture Still Flounders

"We're establishing the principle of giving to your alma mater," said Nancy Couch, director of special programs for the Harvard-Radcliffe fund.

Students usually earmark about 75 to 80 percent of money donated to the class gift for scholarships, said Orchard. The remainder passes into the "current-use fund" to help pay for maintenance of museums, libraries, athletic facilities, and faculty salaries.

Although the average individual donation to the class gift is $45, Slotnick said, "We ask people to consider giving $89, for the Class of '89, but no gift is too small...We want people to think about giving."

Even with the total amount of donations reaching a possible record, the participation rate of about 45 percent is slightly below average, as in some years as much as 60 percent have contributed.

Couch said that class gift participation rates are poor indicators of future alumni activity, however. "I don't really worry about this at all," she said.


"We do pretty well for a six-week campaign," Couch said.
