
Top Official Tied To Overseers Ad

Egan, the vice president of Hallmark Cards,said he had often spoken to colleagues about whathe calls HRAAA's effort "to take over thegovernance of the University." He said Glimp didnot act inappropriately.

"What should Mr. Glimp do?" Egan said. "He wasasked a question and he gave an answer."

Egan described himself "as a catalyst, andnothing more" in a campaign marked byvigorous--and controversial--activity on bothsides. Opponents of HRAAA have charged that theindependently nominated candidates do not haveHarvard's best interests at heart.

"The Board will not be helped by those who arecommitted to only a single issue," Kennedy wrotein his letter. "I hope that my fellow alumni andalumnae, as they consider their ballots and vote,will remember that their university is somethingprecious, that its stewardship requires attentionto a whole array of issues, and that it deservesthe full energy and loyalty of those who serveit."

And in March, Peter L. Malkin '55, one of thisyear's official Overseers candidates, wrote aletter to some alumni expressing concern that the"dissident" candidates would "wreak havoc" withthe Board.


Wolff, who called the text of Kennedy's letter"disingenuous and condescending," said he does notmind both sides campaigning openly, but added thatUniversity officials should remain neutral, asthey traditionally have.

"It is unconscionable for Fred Glimp to play apartisan role in an election which it is his roleto oversee," Wolff said. Just last week, HRAAAwrote a letter criticizing the University forhaving its own accounting firm count ballots.

But HRAAA's own tactics have come under fire.Both Egan and Malkin said their actions werepartly meant as a response to a letter to alumniby Professor of Law Derrick A. Bell endorsingTutu's candidacy.

"Mr. Wolff instigated a member of the LawSchool faculty to write a letter on official LawSchool stationery," Egan said. "His groupinstigated the letter written by Professor Belland gave it the distinct appearance of writing itas an officially sanctioned letter. I want to knowwhy Wolff got away with that."

Wolff said he would consider taking formalaction on Glimp's involvement
