Tonight and tomorrow night at 8
Jean Anouilh's World War II version of Sophocles' Greek tragedy, Antigone, takes the stage this weekend at the Adams House Kronauer Space this weekend and next. While the plot is the same as Sophocles' ancient play, Anouillh's version involves everything from Nazis to occupied France in a play involving a cast of seven.
Inherit the Wind
By Jerome Lawrence
Directed by Laurie Gardner
At the Lowell House JCR
Tonight and tomorrow night at 8
This play, based on the story of the famous Scopes Monkey Trial, treats the subject of teaching evolution and creationism in schools. If you took Justice last semester, you saw a portion of the Scopes trial in class--if you were there. If not, you can see the whole thing this weekend at Lowell House in a modern rendition of a philosophical dispute that continues to this day.
Now, Later, Soon: Sondheim
By Stephen Sondheim
Directed by Pier Carlo Talenti
At the Dunster Dining Hall
Tonight and tomorrow night at 9 and 11:30
Following the success of last year's It's Sondheim Tonight, the the Performing Artists' AIDS Coalition (PAAC) presents Now, Later, Soon: Sondheim this weekend in the Dunster House Dining Hall. This year the profits from the show will benefit the Deaconess Hospital AIDS patient care. The performances in this weekend's show should be fantastic, so don't miss this great chance to hear good music and to provide necessary care for AIDS victims.
Threepenny Opera
Read more in Opinion
Palestinians and Zionism: Searching for a Homeland