
Dreamin' About the Cubbies

Schoolyard Talk

Check the standings of the American League East today. Looks a lot like the AFC West.

The Detroit Pistons, the Bad Boys of Midtown, are in the latest issue of Rolling Stone. Give me a break. Come on, Bill "Who me?" Laimbeer and Rick "That's not Charles Barkley's left hip, that's my elbow in your face" Mahorn dressed as bikers? Is this the NBA or Easy Rider?

Speaking about those hip Bad Boys of Midtown, looks like the Celtics will be playing them in the first round of the NBA playoffs. Can the stage be set for Larry's return?

Here's another one from the NCAA files: Reports in yesterday's Globe say that the NCAA might be investigating a "special benefit" violation involving Rumeal Robinson, the Cambridge native who iced the 1989 NCAA baketball title for the Michigan Wolverines. Louis Ford, Robinson's father, went to watch his son play in Seattle, Wash., thanks to a group of local business leaders, who funded his trip. Yeah, real serious stuff, here.

Dallas Cowboy president Tex Schramm is no longer the Cowboy president. He has been named to head the experimental International Football League (IFL), which will field teams from both the United States and Europe. Can you imagine this matchup: Jacksonville vs. Rome? It's very likely.


The Yankees are winning again. But the Mets are still losing. Life is good for now.

Call him old, call him washed-up, but Boston's Dwight Evans is baseball's most consistent star and its most underrated player.

Here's a scary thought: Last time the Texas Rangers were this good, Billy Martin was the team's manager.

I wonder which NFL team will pick Heisman-winner Barry Sanders.

The NHL playoffs without Wayne Gretzky? Good thing the Los Angeles Kings defeated the Edmonton Oilers. The Calgary Flames? Now that's another story. But any team that has the Great One has a great chance to win.

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