
Yale's Random Housing Offers Student Diversity

Michelle Forman, a high school senior inBirmingham, Alabama, said that while she is nothappy with the lottery problems, she will probablystill attend Harvard.

"It makes me a little uneasy that I may not behappy or that I may not end up where I wanted to"if there is a random element in the system, shesaid.

Even one of the organizers of the petitiondrive protesting the proposed changes said hewould support a "modified Yale policy" that wouldallow freshmen to choose their roommates fromanyone in the class.

"I personally feel that the Yale possibility ofdiversity is good," said Alexander E. Marashian'92. But he added that the roommate restriction"imposes a limitation on who you can live with."

Since freshmen at Yale are assigned to aresidential college before they arrive, they canchoose sophomore roommates only from otherfreshmen in their college. Yale students cantransfer colleges, although they do not do sofrequently.


Lowell House Master William H. Bossert '59 saidthis year's "experiment" was not necessarily aprecursor for a fully random policy in the future.

"I think it much more likely that the followingyear we would be back to a free choice system, nota 100 percent system--that's my guess," Bossertsaid
