
Kirkland Master Slams Secret Santa Rituals

"He makes it seem as if people are screwing onthe dance floor left and right, which is totallyridiculous," said Scott D. Beck '88-'90. "Surethere's some mistletoe, and some people 'hook up,'but it's harmless fun. It's a good time with maybea little sexual activity going on--there's nothingwrong with that."

While students said the house's holidayactivities were overly promiscuous several yearsago, they added that guidelines set by the masterlast year prohibiting questionable practices tamedthe student santas.

The master's letter was prompted by a petitionsigned by more than 200 Kirkland residentsrequesting that the date of the formal be changedfrom Saturday, December 16, to the preceedingThursday night. According to Cameron, athleticcommitments interfered with their ability toattend the event on Saturday.

Pfister, who had purposely set the date for aSaturday, asked students why they would allow thedance to "take place during the week when thereare classes the next day."

Cameron said he thought the letter was harshlyworded because the masters were hurt by thestudent petition, which he said the Pfisters sawas "going behind their back." He added, however,that despite the masters' dislike for the events,he did not think the house would do away with itstradition kindly.


Last year about two-thirds of the houseparticipated in the secret santa ritual, studentssaid.

"If Kirkland were to not have this danceanymore, the whole house would really be upset,"Cameron said. "It's just a really good time forthe whole house.
