
27,000 Cast Votes in Cambridge Elections

High Turnout Spurred by City Council Vacancies, 1-2-3

As for 1-2-3 ballots, Scheir said the count isslated to begin Thursday.

This year's election presented a markedcontrast to last year's race for one of the city'sthree seats in the State House of Representatives.

In that race, supporters of then-State Rep.Saundra Graham and challenger Alvin E. Thompsonangrily accused each other of a sabotaging thecity's punch-card voting machines, and Grahamsupporters called for a recount.

But Connarton said that, aside from "the usualelection day glitches," yesterday's election wentoff smoothly.

And Phillip Griffiths, the assistant directorof the election commission, said that he had notheard of any major snags in the voting process.


"If there are any problems, we're always thelast to here about them," Griffiths added
