
For Those Who Were Away...

The 1988-'89 Season

MacDonald wins the MVP award and talks aboutBourbeau. Cleary wins his 300th game and talksabout MacDonald. Everybody smiles.

February 17: Coach Cleary discovers thatthe blue line goes to the airport, but not toBurlington, Vt.

Minus several defensemen, the Crimson wins thebattle of the Big Macs, 5-3, and knocks one moreteam off its ECAC checklist.

Vermont's Kyle McDonough gives the Catamountsan early 2-0 lead. MacDonald scores Harvard'sfirst goal before sitting down with a head injury.Young, Weisbrod and Donato finish the job.

February 18: Young is flattened. JoshCaplan is bashed. MacDonald never sets foot on theice. But Harvard hangs on to defuse the Engineers,4-3 in overtime, to end a six-game road trip.


Donato scores the winning goal 7:13 into OT.RPI Coach Mike Addesa talks about frustration.Cleary talks about finally going home. The teamtalks about going to McDonald's on the way back toCambridge.

February 24: Showdown II. The Saintsmarch into Cambridge thinking about the ECACregular-season title. The Saints march out with a4-2 loss and second place in the league.

Junior defenseman Scott McCormack returns tothe ice for the first time since early January andnets a goal only 1:40 into the game. Young talliesthe game-winner on the power play. The Crimsonnabs its fourth-straight league crown.

February 25: Bright Center rocks asMacDonald nets a hat trick, his 100th career goaland the game-winner. The Crimson (24-2,20-2)closes the ECAC season with a 7-5 win overClarkson.

MacDonald finishes the game with five points,and Ciavaglia walks off with the ECAC scoringtitle.

March 3-4: Playoff time, and RPI's intown. Must mean Young is due for another hattrick.

For the third straight year, Young nets threeagainst the Engineers in the playoffs. Harvardwins, 7-3, to jump ahead in the two-game series.

In Game Two, the Crimson is a gracious host,playing the game by its guest's rules. The penaltybox gets more visitors than the concession stand,but Harvard remembers how to skate and score intime.

The Crimson triumphs, 5-4, and starts thinkingabout a Garden party.

March 10: Turn out the lights, theGarden party's over.

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