
City Council to Consider Ethics Regulations

Civic Association Introduces Proposal in Wake of Questions of Impropriety

If approved, the rules would be broader than state law, LeClair said.

"I'm not aware of any municipality which has yet approved anything as broad as this," he said.

He added that other cities have passed ethics legislation, but not which are as far-reaching as CCA's proposal. Chicago, for example, adopted comprehensive reforms that "were so riddled with exemptions, that they applied only to the dog catcher," he said.

LeClair told the council that the Massachusetts Inspector General has endorsed the notion of local ethics legislation.

Although LeClair could not speculate on whether the council would approve the measures, he said, "In terms of pre-election announcements, I have not heard anyone speaking out against it. I hope that it retains its vigor and its teeth."


And, he added, "I'd like to set an example and to make it [the CCA proposal] a model to give people confidence in the function of city government."
