Outzs, a junior from Lowell House, says that some of her main goals as chair will be to restore credibility to the council by encouraging more participation by all its members, many of whom are traditionally apathetic. She says she wants every council member to be involved in a particular project and will be open to their suggestions.
Outzs said at a forum last week that she wants to see "the Undergraduate Council really do something to help students' lives," and stressed the need for the council to "follow through on projects we have started."
But Outzs, in her position paper, denies that a return to student service issues constitutes chocolate milk politics.
She suggests several methods of getting students more involved with council activities, including posting council agendas before the meetings and sending council representatives to every house committee meeting.
Like several of the other candidates, Outzs says she believes it is important for the council to resolve the ROTC issue early in the year, so that it does not dominate the council's agenda.
Outzs, who last year chaired the council's academics committee, said her greatest achievement was the production of a comprehensive report suggesting improvements in Harvard's advising system. She says that report was partly responsible for the recent decision by many houses to add a second tier of non-concentration advising.