
Hemenway's Dynamic Duo

Squash's Jack and George Polsky

Whenever one of the brothers finished his match, the other one would go and watch his brother play. "I made it a point to watch Jack play," George says.

Playing the same sport is an advantage that has enabled them to see each other at least once every day. But the brothers have made it a habit to spend time with each other off the courts. "I talked to him every day," George says.

There are also other advantages of having an older brother. "He also lends me his fake I.D.," George says.

"It's a real I.D.," Jack maintains.

"We hang out a lot," Jack says. "He drags me out to go partying, and he makes the night a lot more fun."


Even though Jack was a captain, he did not give his younger brother any preferential treatment. "Jack was clear never to single me out," George says. "He treated me like the other players."

"Except for extra pushups," Jack says. "George is a lazy person. He's really hard to motivate and he's more stubborn than I am."

And Jack gave George the support he needed on and off the court. "After I was the only one to lose a match against Penn and Navy, he told me that the same thing happened to him when he was a freshman," George says.

"I just told him that you have to get your cuts and bruises," Jack says. "I told him that most freshmen are inconsistent, and that your freshman year doesn't matter."

"I know when to lose, I pick my spots," George quips.

Jim and Jon Maslands and Jack and George Polskys are like the McCoys and Hatfields--except they're both equipped with one-liners, not revolvers.

Of their planned doubles squash match against the Maslands, the Polskys are feeling very confident. "We are clearly the superior athletes," George says. "We're going to use our ESP and cunning ability to destroy them. The Polskys have the necesary tools to pull it out."

"We're Batman and Robin," George says. "The Maslands are the Wonder Kids."

"George is Xavier McDaniel [Seattle Supersonics' forward] with hair, very little at that. George is like a bear that never came out of hybernation," Jim Masland says.

"They don't know what they are getting themselves into," Jack says. "We have the superior mental capacities to beat them at their own game."
