
Harvard News Official Accused of Rent Fraud


Carole J. Acomb, who lived in the house from1984 until her eviction in 1986, testified thatthe tenants had always inhabited the entire house.

Attorney John Mason represented Brecher at thehearing. He agreed to let Lord and her backerscomplete their testimony, with the rest of thehearing, including his cross-examination of Lord,moved to a later date.

Acomb accused Lord of harassing her during hertenancy and of evicting her while she was underchemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer."You helped make me home less for two months," sheshouted at Sullivan, who was also represented Lordin the eviction proceedings.

After calling both sides in the dispute"sleazeballs," Acomb said that Lord had brokensome of her posessions, including a Christmastree. "I found that the lights had been ripped offthe tree and the tree in the trash," she said.


On June 30, 1986, after notifying the RentBoard of the status of the property, Acomb saidthat Lord returned to the address, saying "she wasmoving back in." The Police advised Acomb at thattime to bar the door and turn Lord away, she said.

Near the end of Acomb's testimony, Sullivanshouted to her, "You came in here and told us youwere dying. It's one o'clock in the afternoon andyou're still here. I'm assuming you have an axe togrind."

Mason accused Lord and her lawyer of inflicting"a high level of intimidation and threat on myclient and these other individuals.
