You had to have a reservation for the penaltybox, while the space on the ice read "Vacancy" formost of the night.
"To tell you the truth," Young said, "afour-on-four is an advantage for us. I don't thinkthey thought about that so much."
Addesa and his squad didn't have that much timeto think during the final period. For fiveseconds, Harvard was playing like it was the onlyteam on the ice. RPI was up in the stands playingin the horn section of the Engineer band.
The song didn't last that long. But when itended, Harvard proved that in too little time, alot could be done.
THE NOTEBOOK Harvard goalie John Devinturned in one of his best efforts Saturday,particularly in the final period. "You've got totake the attitude that you have to shut them outfor 20 minutes," said Devin of his thoughts ongoing into the final period tied. "If you do that,most likely you win the game right then andthere."...United States Olympians Allen Bourbeau,Scott Fusco and Lane MacDonald were in attendanceFriday and Saturday night. MacDonald said it was"strange to be back. It's the first time since myrecruiting trip that I've seen a Harvard game fromthe stands." MacDonald and Bourbeau will be backin uniform for the Crimson next year.
Crimson, 6-4 a Bright Center
RPI 2-2-0--4Harvard 2-2-2--6
First Period--1, R, Coles (Mansi,Casalena) [pp] 1:42; 2, H, Donato (Young,Pawloski) [pp] 9:50; 3, H, Donato (Sweeney, Young)[pp] 17:24; 4, R, Juneau (Hejna) 19:37.Penalties--H, McCormack (holding) 0:43; R, LeBlanc(hitting from behind) 5:48; R, Coles (roughing)8:27; H, Vukonich (roughing) 8:27; R, Schena(hooking) 8:14; R, Casalena (high-sticking) 10:28;H, Armstrong (high-sticking) 10:28; R, Townshend(hooking) 15:25; H, Janfaza (hitting afterwhistle) 16:43; R, Juneau (high-sticking) 17:00;R, Moore (hooking) 19:12; H, Young (interference)19:29..
Second Period-- 5, H, Murphy (Weisbrod,Taucher) 2:36; 6, R, Mansi (Coles, Taucher) 2:36;6, R, Mansi (Coles, Kopecky) 4:58; 7, R, Hejna(Juneau) 5:45; 8, H, Vukonich (Weisbrod, Murphy)8:46. Penalties--R, Moore (slashing) 9:34; H,Melrose (hooking) 19:20.
Third Period-- 9, H, Janfaza (Sweeney,Caplan) 14:18; 10, H, Ciavaglia (Young) 14:23.Penalties--H, Sweeney (cross-checking) 8:08; R,Juneau (roughing) 13:24; H, Donato (13:24); H,Janfaza (illegal stick) 16:55; H, Janfaza, servedby Farden (misconduct) 16:55.
Saves--R, Duncan 5-11-11--27; H, Devin10-5-10--25
Power Play Opps: R, 1-6; H, 2-6.
A: 291