
Icemen Hold Off RPI in Quarters, 5-4

Crimson Escapes

Andy Janfaza put a flourish on the Crimson'sfirst-period offensive display by cleaning up forhis linemate and roommate, Steve Armstrong. Withfour minutes left in the period, Armstrong brokein alone on Duncan, but couldn't squeeze the puckpast him.

Janfaza came in and swept the mess back intoits proper place for a 3-0 Harvard lead.

"I did put my head down and tried to skateextra hard in case there was going to be arebound," Janfaza said. "I was hoping therewouldn't be."

Harvard scored again in the second period, butallowed the Engineers to creep back on goals byBruce Coles (at 18:53 of the second) and Mo("Mentum") Mansi (at :23 of the third.)

The Crimson pushed its lead to 5-2 on Young'sthird goal of the game with four minutes left inthe contest.


But then it was time for an Engineer surge.Quicker than you can say. "Do you remember St.Lawrence?", RPI bounced back to within one goalwith a minute-and-a-half left.


A week ago, the Crimson led St. Lawrence by a6-2 margin with 10 minutes left in the game. TheSaints ran out of time before they ran out ofgoals. The final: Harvard 6, SLU 5.

"You'd think we'd learn after a while that fourgoals isn't that much," Armstrong said. "We haveto learn to play all the way through."

THE NOTEBOOK: Harvard went two-for-sixon the power play, RPI one-for-two...Addesa blamedhis team's slow start on "stupid penalties." Saidthe RPI coach: "Maybe we were too high too early.We took some undisciplined penalties. We had agreat first shift and I thought that would give usmomentum."CrimsonHector I. OsarioHarvard's PETER CIAVAGLIA (11) inforeground. Harvard's C.J. YOUNG (14) and RPI'sSTEVE MOORE (2) in background.
