
Both Sides of Union Drive Prepare for Workers' Vote

The legal wranglings would likely occur before the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The board is responsible for determining whether the employees which HUCTW has organized constitute a legitimate bargaining unit. The University has the right to contest the bargaining unit, and has done so in the past. If the University does contest the unit size, the election could be postponed for several months.

Rondeau says the union wants an election before Commencement. If there is no litigation the election will occur within 60 days.

However, Taylor says that the administration feels the pre-election process may take longer than expected because of the legal complexity of a large bargaining unit located at a private university. Taylor will not say whether the University plans to contest the unit or not.

Both Taylor and Rondeau agree that campaigning will intensify during the period between the filing of the petition and the election.

They say that they are not going to concentrate their energy on campaigning before then, but the past two weeks have shown an increase in both pro- and anti-union campaigning.


Said one support staff member, "I am scared to see what will happen when both sides really start pushing."
