Dukakis, questioned on the NBC program, went astep further, citing treaties banning interferencein the internal affairs of other nations in theregion.
"That's the framework now and it's a very goodframework," Dukakis said. "We have signed andratified those treaties. We are violating theterms of those documents."
Pressed as to the conditions under which hewould tolerate a Soviet client state in CentralAmerica, Dukakis said: "If you're talking aboutthe introduction of offensive weapons from theSoviet Union, we have every right...to take actionagainst that.
Democratic candidates have hit hard at theAdministration's Central American policy, courtingIowa's active peace groups.
Church Poltics
The presidential campaign also swung intoIowa's churches yesterday, as Rep. Jack Kemp(R-N.Y.) sought support in fundamentalistchurches, He made it clear he is not conceding theevangelical Christian vote to former televisionevangelist Pat Robertson. Both are courtingconservatives and hoping for a third-place finishin Monday's straw vote of GOP activists.
Not all church activity was focused onfundamentalists, however, as the minister of onelarge Des Moines Lutheran church urged moderatesto turn out and avoid being swamped by moreconservative Christians.
"I believe if we mainline reasonable Christiansdon't take part in current politics, there will bethose highly organized and much more ferevent whowill," said the Rev. Jerry Schmalenberger, of St.John's Lutheran Church. "I'm bold enough to saythat fundamentalists frighten me."
The Rev. Jesse Jackson appeared at a Lutheranchurch in Clinton, working to solidify his tieswith other parts of Iowa's religious community