
Storm Blankets Boston Area

Ten Inches of Snow Slow First Days of Spring Term

"It's the great equalizer," said PhilipMcCraker '90, describing the way snow takes awaythe advantage of the more skilled team. "Anythingcan happen on a snowy day."

"I think we're more of a cold-weather team thanthey are," said Benjamin Dover '90. "It mighthelp."

At Lowell House two students chased each otherthrough the courtyard, throwing snowballs. WhenElaine Marzluff '89 caught up with Douglas Wick'89 she splattered his face with snow.

They ceased their antics just long enough toexplain what they were doing. "We started outbuilding a snowman, but the snow's just a littletoo flaky," Marzloff said. "She hasn't ever builta snowman before--she's from Florida."

Some students followed the lead of twopre-school students who sledded down WidenerLibrary's steps in midafternoon.


"We're going to use Union trays," said onestudent who only identified himself as Jeff. "It'sgreat fun.
