
Princeton to Invade Harvard, Hemenway

The Crimson has been training hard in preparation for "The Match." Harvard Coach Dave Fish wants his team to be prepared for any situation--especially close matches. The Crimson has been running recently so that it will have more stamina in the fourth and fifth games.

"It should be a close match," Princeton Coach Bob Callahan said. "Both teams are evenly matched from one to nine. Our players are excited about the match."

Closer to the bottom, Harvard's Doug Lifford and James Gilfillan are seasoned veterans, who are used to the pressure of big matches. Lifford is returning to the team after taking the first semester off. Harvard will also benifit from the return of Co-Captain Jack Polsky, who has been bothered by injuries all season.

Both sides are tentative about makingpredictions.

"We're very, very equally matched teams," Ballsaid. "Personally, I can't wait until the match.It'll be an incredible match. It'll come down tothe team that wants it more."


The caution stems back to the Hemenway matchtwo years ago. It was then, during the era ofKenton Jernigan '87, that Princeton rolled intotown cocky, overconfident and hell-bent on crusingto the national championship.

Harvard sent the cocky, overconfident and brashteam back to Princeton with a 7-2 thumping.

"The match comes down to depth," Colbournesaid. "Both teams are very strong at the top. It'sbeen a really intense rivalry. TheHarvard-Princeton match has always been a bigmatch."

Callahan described the relationship between thetwo schools as "friendly but competitve."

"Princeton has been our biggest match by far,"Ball said. "It's a very intense rivalry. They're avery tough team. They have the number-one and-tworanked players. They are a very deep and strongteam."

"It's going to be a damn good match," Princetonsophomore Ted Price said. "It's going to be verycompetitive. It's going to be a great match towatch."

"We're going to have our hands full,"Princeton's Bob White said. "We're going to giveit our best shot."

"Both teams are very strong," Callahan said."We're stronger than we've been in the past. Wehave a lot of experienced people down low."


The nation's number-one racquetmen will alsohost Franklin & Marshall Sunday afternoon. Lastyear, the racquetmen recorded a tough 7-2 decisonover the Diplomats.

The Diplomats are coming off a hotly contested5-4 loss to the Tigers.

"F&M is a little weaker than last year, but itstill should be a tough match," Co-Captain JackPolsky said. "We can not have a let-down after thePrinceton match."

"Franklin and Marshall is a tough team,"Pandole said "It's a very talented team. They havegood depth. We will have to get up for them afterPrinceton.
