
Hard Work and Confidence Make Magic

Hockey's Jennifer White

"I did my own thing, and I came back more focused," White says.

And now White is better than ever. Once again, she was a main force in Harvard's successful defense of the Ivy League championship, sporting a 2.48 goals-against average and two shutouts.

But she is still working hard on her overall game.

"I don't like to go out there in practice and not try because I get bad habits," White says. "And in my position, that's pretty dangerous."

White's work ethic translated into confidence. And her confidence is contagious.


"If you go out there and are timid, you're going to let everything go in," White says. "You've got to have an air of confidence about you."

"She's just an amazing goal-tender," says junior left-winger Brita Lind. "In the [first] Princeton game, she gave us a great life by making amazing saves."

Indeed, without that save which White made on a two-on-none situation late in overtime, Lind would not have made the rush which led to that goal by Co-Captain Julie Sasner.

And in the second Princeton game-in which Harvard nabbed the Ivy League title-White made several diving stops, one of which was a glove save on a rolling puck while on the ice.

"Without a doubt she's the backbone of the team," said Harvard Co-Captain Johanna Neilson. "She makes me feel very confident, especially in overtime, which we've had too much of lately."

And that confidence makes White a complete player to the point that her playing level doesn't change if the puck gets behind her.

"Even if I say, 'Gee, Jen, sorry about that goal. That was my man,' she'll say, 'Brita, don't worry about it,'" Lind says. "She's not willing to blame the team. If someone scores, she just forgets about it and the game goes on. You just really feel good when she's in net."

White credits her teammates with her success.

"It's not just me, but it is the fact that we have four or five defensemen that I've played with before," White says. "I know what to expect from them, and they know what to expect from me."

She and the Crimson nave now won the Ivy League title twice. But in a little more than a year, White will be leaving Harvard. And as for life out of Cambridge, the American history major knows what she will not be pursuing as a career.

"[I'm] not playing hockey," White says. "It's a tossup. I'll probably have to get serious soon."

And if Jen White gets as serious about her future as she has about hockey, she can reach as many goals in life as she has prevented.
