
Another Despairing Page

Mark My Words

Reidy, a junior, talked about the final two games as confidence builders for next year. But for Peterson and his fellow seniors, the final two games are it. So why not make the most of them.

"Right now, you just play for the fun of the game," Peterson said.

Boston University 24, Harvard 23 at the Stadium Team  1  2  3  4  F B.U.  7  14  0  3  24 Harvard  0  6  8  9  23

First Quarter

B--Kennelley 24 yd. pass from Schuman (LaPolice PAT).


Second Quarter

B--McBride 7 yd. pass from Schuman (LaPolice PAT).

B--McBride 27 yd. pass from Schuman (LaPolice PAT).

H--Hall 47 yd. FG.

H--Hall 22 yd. FG.

Third Quarter

H--McMahon 1 yd. run (Haller pass from MacLeod).

Fourth Quarter

H--Hall 47 yd. FG.

B--LaPolice 34 yd. FG.
