Mitchell's campaign for the post was buoyed inrecent days by the public endorsement ofMassachusetts' two senators, Democrats Edward M.Kennedy and John F. Kerry.
A Kerry spokesperson said yesterday that thejunior senator considers Mitchell's victory "veryexciting" for Massachusetts.
"Senator Mitchell knows the region. When you'rein a powerful position and you know the region'scares and concerns, it makes a difference," Kerryaide Larry Carpman said.
Specifically, he said, Mitchell could beexpected to press for action on acid rain,affordable housing and other issues of concern tothe region. Carpman also said Mitchell appreciatedthe significance of the multibillion-dollarCentral Artery and Harbor Tunnel project.
The Democratic caucus also elected Sen. AlanCranston of California to another term as partywhip, despite a challenge from Wendell Ford ofKentucky.
Byrd was elected president pro tempore of theSenate, and also will serve as chairman of theAppropriations Committee when the 101st Congressconvenes next January