The private African Children's Educational Support Committee organized the Kenyan project, which the Harvard fast will also support, Marx said. Organizers in Kenya hope to establish a profitable chicken farm there, he added.
Hunger Action hopes to get more than 50 percent of the student body to fast, Marx said. The level of participation will raise about $4000.
The PBH groups are also receiving matching funds from the Overseas Development Fund, Marx said. About 40% of the undergraduate student body participated in last year's fast, which raised $3400 for an Oxfamsponsored program to buy plows for Ethiopian peasants, Marx said.
Leverett Comedy Night
A Leverett House comedy night planned for this weekend remained up in the air last night after the Undergraduate Council's executive board decided not to cover any losses the event might incur.
Earlier yesterday, Gregory R. Schwartz '89, the Leverett House committee chairperson, said three house groups had agreed to provide funding for the event Friday night, after council social committee members assured him they would "sponsor a resolution that would cover our losses if there were any losses, which we don't think is going to happen."
It was unclear last night what effect the steering committee's decision not to insure the show would have. Schwartz was unavailable for comment.
The Leverett House Committee, Arts Committee, and Film Society had agreed to split the costs--paying $250 each--for the comedy night, Schwartz said.
The council Sunday night voted not to fund the event, even though social committee member Stephen M. Hearst '88-'89 had signed three Boston comics and begun postering for the show.
Hearst said he had the authorization of the council's social committee to coordinate the event, but council leaders said last night that the committee never gave Hearst the official go-ahead.
Schwartz said he expects about 200 people to attend the comedy night, if it takes place.