
From Pizza Hut to Burger King

House Grills

While most Harvard students take jobs in existing businesses--selling clothing and waiting tables--a select group of undergraduates run their own restaurants.

The managers of the house grills pay rent for the right to use existing facilities within the houses but are then responsible for operating the snack bars on their own.

"It's a good organizational experience, managing a business," says Joseph K. Choo '89, manager of the Winthrop grill.

Four of the in-dormitory snack bars are already open, and most of the other grills--including new facilities at North and Lowell--will be ready for business within a week or two.

Serving a variety of snack food, from homemade pizza to pretzels and nachos, the grills operate in the evenings--usually weekdays only, although there are exceptions--for several hours each night.


The student managers are responsible for finding help, planning the menus and buying supplies. Many of them also design promotional campaigns to increase their business, and, of course, their profits.

The Kirkland House grill managers held a grand opening for their grill on Monday night, serving up burgers and showing a videotape of the movie "Caddyshack" on the grill's television. Eric J. Bentley '90, one of the students who own and operate the Kirkland grill, emphasizes that grill managers will "strive to maintain our number one status," referring to a survey of house grills conducted last year by The Harvard Independent.

At Mather House, grill manager Eric M. Call '89 relies on food specials to pull in the crowds. The Mather grill, which opened on September 26, offers homemade Wednesday night specials, such as Sicilian pizza and pizza rolls made from scratch.

To draw attention to North House's newly built grill--part of the multi-year Quad renovation project--the managers will be offering free pizza to house residents on October 16, in lieu of the house's traditional milk and cookies.

Choo and the other Winthrop grill managers plan to use entertainment to improve their business. "We want there to be a common theme" for the grill, Choo says.

In the past, the Winthrop grill has been known as "The Bat Cave," but this year's managers are considering, among other suggestions, renaming it "Mort's Place" and showing the Morton Downey Jr. show at 11:30 p.m. every night. "We want to turn it into a house-oriented activity," says Choo, "rather than just going down and getting a hamburger."

The Winthrop grill was rated worst in last year's survey, and Choo says "we can only go up."

But before such interesting schemes can be put into motion, the grill managers have to work on the basics, such as finding people to cook and serve the food.

At Dunster House, the grill opened last week, but co-manager Laurie A. Ciardi '90 says their organization is not yet complete. "We haven't been able to run at normal schedules," she says. "We're in the process of recruiting workers." Until grill workers can be found, the managers have been manning the grill themselves. But Ciardi adds, that there are quite a few people who want to work."

Call, too, says he has had no difficulty finding workers. He adds that working at the grill is "a way to meet a lot of people in the house."
