
Bentsen, Quayle Plan Debate Strategies

Vice Presidential Candidates Say They Are Ready for Campaign Spotlight

A fact sheet distributed to reporters said Bushwould ask for $100 million in federal funds tomatch private donations to the foundation.

Dukakis spoke at Northwestern University inEvanston, III., and attacked what he called Bush's"record of failure."

"Mr. Bush was given five important missions bythis administration and he failed every one," saidthe Democratic presidential nominee. "And that wasbefore they asked him to pick a running mate inthis election."

Dukakis listed the five assignments asresolving trade problems with Japan, heading ananti-terrorism panel, leading the war on drugs,investigating problems in the banking industry andheading a task force on regulatory reform.

The Massachusetts governor said Bush "offersslogans and symbols; Lloyd Bentsen and I areoffering real solutions to the problems Americanfamilies face every day and every week and everymonth."


In Omaha, city officials said a privatefind-raising drive to finance the vicepresidential debate was $200,000 short of itsgoal.

Kevin Collison, a spokesman for Omaha MayorWalter Calinger, said officials had raised only$540,000 toward the minimum cost of $750,000expected for the debate.

He said the "worst case" cost of the debate hasbeen estimated at $900,000, but that cityofficials have no idea whether costs are stayingwithin budget
