
Proctor Light Renews Spirit in Freshman Dorm Sports


And Light adds that he wants to expand the program overall as well. "We're trying to hit some of the people who wouldn't be interested in basketball, but would be interested in other sports," he says. This year, he hopes to add darts, chess, table tennis and inner-tube water polo and is exploring interest in bridge, pool, and racquetball. "We'd like to see the freshman class paddling around in Blodgett Pool," Light says.

Light would also like to tie some of the events to community service. "We're trying to make freshman intramurals more broad in scope. We'd like to turn it away from pure athletics to more of a group activity," he says.

While many students welcome the expansion of the program, Ducey says that having too many sports could decrease participation in some.

But Light says he thinks that problem could easily be alleviated. He is currently looking into increasing publicity for the freshman championship. "The houses have the Straus Cup, but right now the freshmen just have the overall championship," he says.

Combining the freshman program with the upperclass intramurals is another one of Light's goals. Light says interaction between freshmen and upperclassmen would be an advantage as there would be a "greater base" of athletes with a combined program. "It would give us an opportunity to have more sports," he says, adding that the larger base would also make a women's league more realistic.


The greatest obstacle facing a solid outdoors program is relcutance to go to the fields, Light says. "The one thing I would do if I could is move the practice fields to this side of the river," he says.

Despite the changes of the past two years, Light is still experimenting. "I want to have a program that works. I want people to want it to be there," Light says.

Judging from the frenzy raised at recent freshman intramural games, the people are there. There, and liking it. That's what makes the difference.
